


## 角色(Role):
- Java开发者

## 任务(Task):
- 编写代码,生成符合规范的源码,按照输出要求生成对应的源码文件

## 技能(Skills):
- 精通Java编程语言,包括语法、面向对象设计原则、异常处理等核心概念。
- 理解并能运用设计模式,特别是与代码生成相关的工厂模式、策略模式等。
- 良好的模块化设计能力,可设计业务模式友好的结构代码。
- 熟悉JSON、XML等数据交换格式,用于接收和解析用户输入的参数。
- 精通数据结构,基于 RESTFUL 的 API 接口设计。

## 编码规则(Rules):
- **兼容性**:生成的代码应遵循目标Java版本的语法规则。
- **安全性**:避免生成可能导致安全漏洞(如SQL注入、XSS攻击)的代码。
- **可扩展性**:设计工具时考虑未来的扩展性和功能扩展的便捷性。
- **遵循编码规范**:确保生成的代码遵循业界认可的编码风格,如Google Java Style Guide或Alibaba Java 规范。

## 执行流程:
0. **model 定义**:用户
- 用户属性:名称,性别,年龄, 地址,身份证号,手机号
1. **model类生成**:基于模型类的名称和属性生成model,按英文驼峰方式命名;
2. **entity类生成**:生成与model对应的entity类,类名为xxxEntity;
2. **dao生成**:生成entity的dao的类,继承 mybatis plus的 BaseMapper,命名方式为xxxDao,
3. **converter生成**:使用 mapstruct生成接口,命名为 xxxConverter,包含 entity 和 model 的相互转换方法;
4. **service 生成**:生成 model 的 service 方法,命名为 xxxService;
5. **controller 生成**: 生成 Restful 风格的 Spring Controller,命名为 xxxController;

## 输出要求:
- **输出语言**:Java
- **输出格式**:源代码文件(`.java`
- **代码注释**:为每个类,每个变量,每个方法,每个参数都添加注释说明
- **生成类**
- 输出Service类,包含对用户 model 对象的新增,删除,修改,翻页,查询方法的定义;
- Controller 类,包含对用户 model 对象的新增,删除,修改,翻页,查询的方法定义,使用 Spring的 Restful Controller风格定义;
- model 类,包含模型类的定义,使用 lomok 注释来定义 model
- entity 类,包含模型的 entity 的定义,使用mybatis plus 的注解的方式定义 entity 类;
- converter接口,以 mapstruct 的接口的形式定义 model 和 entity 对象的相互转换;
- dao 类,使用 mybaits来定义 entity 的增,删,改,查,翻页等方法的定义;



1. UserModel.java - 模型类

import lombok.Data;

* UserModel represents a user in the system, encapsulating essential information such as name, gender, age,
* address, ID number, and phone number.
public class UserModel {

* The user's full name.
private String name;

* The user's gender ('MALE', 'FEMALE', or other suitable representation).
private String gender;

* The user's age in years.
private int age;

* The user's residential address.
private String address;

* The user's unique identification number.
private String idNumber;

* The user's mobile phone number.
private String phoneNumber;

2. UserEntity.java - Entity类

import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableField;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableName;

import java.io.Serializable;

* UserEntity represents the database entity for storing user information, using MyBatis Plus annotations.
public class UserEntity implements Serializable {

private Long id;

private String name;

private String gender;

private Integer age;

private String address;

private String idNumber;

private String phoneNumber;

// Getters and setters (generated by your IDE or manually)

3. UserConverter.java - Converter接口 (MapStruct)

import org.mapstruct.Mapper;

* UserConverter provides methods for converting between UserModel and UserEntity objects.
@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface UserConverter {

* Converts a UserEntity to a UserModel.
* @param entity The UserEntity to convert.
* @return The corresponding UserModel.
UserModel toModel(UserEntity entity);

* Converts a UserModel to a UserEntity.
* @param model The UserModel to convert.
* @return The corresponding UserEntity.
UserEntity toEntity(UserModel model);

4. UserService.java - Service类

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

* UserService defines operations related to user management, such as creation, deletion, updating, querying,
* and pagination.
public interface UserService {

* Creates a new user in the system based on the provided UserModel.
* @param model The UserModel representing the user to be created.
* @return The ID of the newly created user.
Long createUser(UserModel model);

* Updates an existing user's information in the system based on the provided UserModel.
* @param model The UserModel containing updated information.
void updateUser(UserModel model);

* Deletes a user from the system by their ID.
* @param userId The ID of the user to delete.
void deleteUser(Long userId);

* Retrieves a user by their ID.
* @param userId The ID of the user to retrieve.
* @return The corresponding UserModel, or null if not found.
UserModel getUserById(Long userId);

* Retrieves a list of users based on given query parameters (e.g., pagination, filtering, sorting).
* @param queryParams The query parameters for fetching users.
* @return A list of UserModel instances matching the query.
List<UserModel> getUsers(QueryParams queryParams);

5. UserController.java - Controller类

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

import java.util.List;

import javax.validation.Valid;

public class UserController {

private final UserService userService;

public UserController(UserService userService) {
this.userService = userService;

* Creates a new user.
* @param model The user data to create.
* @return The created user's ID.
public Long createUser(@Valid @RequestBody UserModel model) {
return userService.createUser(model);

* Updates an existing user.
* @param userId The ID of the user to update.
* @param model The updated user data.
public void updateUser(@PathVariable Long userId, @Valid @RequestBody UserModel model) {

* Deletes a user.
* @param userId The ID of the user to delete.
public void deleteUser(@PathVariable Long userId) {

* Retrieves a user by their ID.
* @param userId The ID of the user to retrieve.
* @return The corresponding UserModel.
public UserModel getUserById(@PathVariable Long userId) {
return userService.getUserById(userId);

* Retrieves a list of users based on query parameters.
* @param queryParams The query parameters for fetching users.
* @return A list of UserModel instances matching the query.
public List<UserModel> getUsers(@Valid @ModelAttribute QueryParams queryParams) {
return userService.getUsers(queryParams);

// Define the QueryParams class for handling pagination, filtering, etc., as needed for your application.

请注意,以上代码并未包含UserDao类,因为按照您的描述,该类应该是继承自MyBatis Plus的BaseMapper接口,并由MyBatis Plus自动为UserEntity生成基础的增删改查和翻页方法。因此,您只需在项目中创建一个空接口,如:

import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;

public interface UserDao extends BaseMapper<UserEntity> {
// No additional methods needed; MyBatis Plus will generate CRUD and pagination methods automatically.

将上述代码片段分别放入对应的.java文件中即可实现所需的功能。同时,请确保您的项目已经配置了MyBatis Plus和MapStruct相关依赖,并进行了必要的Spring Boot或Spring MVC配置。